Monday, April 15, 2013

Your Dreams

Your dreams are your dreams and that's okay. Did you know that God's dreams are not your dreams and his dreams for YOUR life are usually bigger than yours?

On Friday night, I was bored. I started digging in my storage looking for old pictures that I captured of clients when I used to do hair. Yes! I used to do hair in high school and college. I didn't find any of the pictures but I stumbled across my senior memory book. There was a place titled "Dreams & Goals." As I read that section, I was smiling but shocked at the same time. I'm a very ambitious person and I couldn't believe that I didn't/did accomplish those goals that I had listed. I know that God has something better for me. I don't know what THAT may be but I know it's better.

Trying not to sneeze from the dust, the page read, "I want to be an entrepreneur Cosmetologist doing hair AND nails in my own hair salon. The car I will own is an Acura, I will own a three bedroom home and marry and have ONE child. I'm literally laughing out loud. I didn't get an Acura (Yet anyway) Not sure if I even want an Acura anymore. I didn't go to school for Cosmetology. I ended up getting a Bachelor's degree in Criminology and a Master's in Social Work (neither am I using right now nor do I have the desire to do so.) I am an entrepreneur but unsure on my direction. I am married with not ONE but TWO beautiful and smart children.

See!!! God blessed me abundantly. His dreams for me were/are bigger than my own. What I'm trying to figure out now is what road to take; do I go left or right. Prior to me reading that page in my senior memory book, I told my husband I was considering going to hair school BUT I'm not sure what I want to do. I stopped doing hair a long time ago because I wasn't passionate about it. I also stopped doing social work because I started feeling overwhelmed and burned out.

God's dreams for me are bigger than my own and all I can do is pray for his direction and understanding. If anyone is reading this and may be in the same boat, my suggestion is to pray. God knows better than you/I do. Love you lots!!!

Thanks for reading. Peace and blessings :)

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