Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business Owner vs Self Employed

Did you know there's a difference between a business owner and being self employed? A business owner's business will continue to operate when he/she isn't there. Someone who is self employed, is just that....self employed. If he/she is sick or traveling out of town, then they're business is somewhere probably closed because he/she is the only employee of the company.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

God Has Spoken

I attended an appreciation brunch today at The Beauty Boudoir with other Christian women. A question was asked, "What stops you from being your best with God?" My answer, "my finances." Before I started this whole entrepreneurship thing, I was the lender and not the borrower. I provided for my family with no problems. I felt like I was sitting on top of the world. I trusted and believed in God but not how I do now. My finances have gotten in the way of me being my best as God wants me to be. I trust him but I still worry. Worrying is for nonbelievers. One of the owners at The Beauty Boudoir is so amazing. She inspires me and I just love her to pieces. Her name is Charisma Kendrick-Adams.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Business and Grammar

Woke up with this on my mind for about the third or fourth time so I decided to blog about it....Business and Grammar. Read more after the break.