Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've Learned

It's been a while since I've blogged. I've had a lot on my mind that I'd like to share, if you don't mind. Ahem.

I've learned to not rush into anything. I've learned to thoroughly think things through. I've learned to pray about all things. I've learned to trust in God even when I don't see the path created. It's called FAITH. I've learned to be patient and let things happen as they are suppose to. I've learned to stop trying to figure everything out. I've learned that in life, whether you're doing good or bad, people will still gossip so just let them. I've learned that I'm not perfect but it's okay to strive for perfection.

More after the break

I've learned how to be a great friend. I've learned how to be a great mom. I've learned how to be a great woman.

I've learned that I will not always get my way and God will always give me what's best, not what I want. I've learned that in life I will fall in love and I will get hurt...more than once. I've learned that I must continue to move forward no matter the circumstances. I've learned to not be judgmental towards others. I've learned to love from afar. I've learned to say NO when the time calls for it. I've learned to share my feelings when the time is right. I've learned that not everyone has my best interest at hand. I've learned that sometimes things of the past need to stay in the past. I've learned that things that belong, will belong.

I've learned that when you love someone, you never give up on them. You fight through the fire to maintain the love and happiness. I've learned that you don't take the easy way out. I've learned to not put on my track shoes and run but to put on my baseball glove to catch whatever's thrown at me. I've learned to hear the other party's point of view. I've learned through my experiences. I've learned through others' experiences. I've learned by listening.

I've learned to not be so quick to speak but to just watch. Thus far, life has taught me a lot. Most importantly, I've learned to be...ME!