Ever wondered how Bill Gates became a millionaire....or even
Diddy or Oprah? They all had to struggle to get there; not to mention they all had to start somewhere. They all had to crawl before they walked, or should I say, which is my favorite, they all had to walk before they ran! Climbing the ladder of success is not easy and if it were, everyone would do it. Meaning, everyone would be a
millionaire. Also,
no one would want to read your book on what you did and how you did it, to make it to the top. When climbing this ladder to the top, you cannot skip any steps as you will miss out on pertinent information that is needed to get you to the next step. Of course, along the way you're gonna fall, you're gonna laugh, you're gonna cry, you're gonna be lucky, you're gonna be broke, you're gonna take two steps back; maybe even three or four steps back, but all of this is done in preparation of moving to the next step. Sometimes I wish I could write and publish my book now. I've struggled, I've struggled, I've struggled! Do you hear me?! I'VE STRUGGLED and I'm still struggling. I know I'm closer to my goal than yesterday because I give it my all each and every day. :-) I'm thankful that God continues to keep me because had I not had a relationship with him, I don't know if I would've made it this far.
Okay, let me back track a little and tell you about me,
Makeva Harold. I'm 26 years old and I'm a single mother of a beautiful little girl,
Ceniya. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Criminology and a Master's degree in Social Work. I've applied to Florida State University to pursue my Doctorate in Social Work also. Well,
originally it was Counseling Psychology but I changed my mind about a month ago so PhD in Social Work it is. I'm waiting to hear back from them about my acceptance and if and when I'm accepted, I'll be pursuing a Doctorate degree (1st in my family, might I add). I'm an entrepreneur and I don't take it lightly. It's very challenging being an entrepreneur. I have to pay business expenses as well as personal expenses and guess what? I'm not making enough money to pay both but somehow,
I'm managing. Being an entrepreneur you have to be very responsible and disciplined. I'm my own boss, if I don't want to go to work today or the next day, I don't have to. Keep in mind, how hard you work, determines how much money you make so I grind it out everyday. I'm not a slacker but I am a "crybaby." I cry almost every time I'm frustrated but....I still get the job done.
I have a friend that bought me a charm; a Tiffany & Co. charm which reads "Worth Ave" on the front and on the back, it says "One Million" she told me to always remember that I'm working towards my first million. For those that don't know, Worth Ave is
similar to that of Rodeo Drive and Robertson Blvd. in Los Angeles, California, only in Palm Beach, Florida. Basically, you ain't shopping over there if you don't have money. Every time I wear that necklace, I remember her telling me in her annoying, squeaky voice "Remember now, don't ever take this necklace off and always remember we are working towards our first one million dollars." I keep that in mind because that I am, I am working towards my first one million dollars and I will not stop there. I will keep going like an energizer battery. I too, will be a millionaire like Bill Gates,
Diddy and Oprah. They had a struggle to get where they are and so do I. I won't give up! I won't give up! I WON'T GIVE UP!
Let's keep it real, I know there are a few people out there, who don't want to see me successful but guess what, NOTHING or
NO ONE can hold me down. I remember when I was in High School and people would gossip about me and say "she's never going to be anything but a troublemaker with her talking self," "she's gonna be stuck in Belle Glade," "she's gonna be just like her mom," Well....
surprisingly enough that same person you talked about back then is now a homeowner, business owner, role model and well educated black
sistuh! *looks to the sky and smiles* :-)
So as I take this journey struggling or not to the top, I will cry, I will laugh, I will be the best mom I can be, I will continue to inspire & motivate others as I do myself, I will be a good friend, a good role model and most importantly....I will be myself;
Makeva Harold.