Today is a day where I'm lost for words. I don't really have anything to talk about. My mind feels as though it's moving 100 miles per hour. "I just wanna be successful!" I'm thinking about all the endless opportunities I have with my career. Makeva Harold Foundation, Inc. may only be known right now as a county/state/city organization but in due time, we will be nationally known since....of course...I'm on my Global Grind! I plan to have an office in a few other cities and states. I work so hard I know I can only go up from here. I've been down for a while but nobody or nothing can hold me down. I've fallen several times but I always manage to get back up and that's what's important. If you ever fall, get back up and try it all over again but with a different strategy.
Currently, God has put me in a position where I've humbled myself, I now appreciate the value of a dollar and things I've taken for granted in the past, I am now grateful for. I realize that things really are here today and can be gone tomorrow. I've heard this from other people time and time again but because it never hit home, I always brushed it off. Now that it has hit home, I realize it. DON'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED!

Although there are many people that think like me, there are still many people that don't. I look at success and say, "I'm on my way." I'm closer to my goal more than I ever thought. Success doesn't fall in your lap, you have to WORK for it. I don't ever expect anything to be handed to me. I work for all that I have and all that I want. Of course, my vision gets a little blurry at times but I still find my way to keep moving to the end of the tunnel. I have tunnel vision. I remember starting at the beginning of the tunnel and seeing all that I was gonna go through as I struggle to get through the tunnel and make it to the end. Now, I'm in the jungle (tunnel) fighting my way through. I'm almost there. I keep God in the midst of all that I'm doing and all that I have going on. God is my GPS and I cannot go anywhere without him. I'm not perfect but I'm trying my best to live holy. Not to mention, through everything you must have FAITH. "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen." Hebrews 11:1
Another thing about being successful, you can't be the smartest person in your pack. You have to surround yourself with a few people that are smarter than you; that way you can learn from them. One can never stop learning and if you're the smartest person in your pack, what are you learning from everyone else? Absolutely nothing!
I don't have anything else to say. Time for me to pack up in the office and get dressed to go to the gym to get my sexy back! Have a productive remainder of the day! Be great this day and everyday! That is all!
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