Tuesday, September 6, 2011

God Has Spoken

I attended an appreciation brunch today at The Beauty Boudoir with other Christian women. A question was asked, "What stops you from being your best with God?" My answer, "my finances." Before I started this whole entrepreneurship thing, I was the lender and not the borrower. I provided for my family with no problems. I felt like I was sitting on top of the world. I trusted and believed in God but not how I do now. My finances have gotten in the way of me being my best as God wants me to be. I trust him but I still worry. Worrying is for nonbelievers. One of the owners at The Beauty Boudoir is so amazing. She inspires me and I just love her to pieces. Her name is Charisma Kendrick-Adams.

When I spoke briefly about my life and how it has changed significantly in the past three years, she told me to revisit my drawing board and to have a conversation with God on what he wants me to do. I've been a Christian since September, 2004 but became very serious with my walk with Christ just recently. Sadly, I started two businesses, Creative Party Designing and Makeva Harold Foundation without consulting with God first. Today, I felt like God spoke to me through her. He told me to come back to him and tell him my plans (though he already knows, he just wants to hear them again) and he will light up my path and tell me what I should and should not do.

There was another Christian woman there by the name of Cathy Allen, Cathy is a Leadership Development Coach & Consultant. Cathy spoke about taking time out for yourself on a daily basis, at least thirty minutes. These thirty minutes should be spent meditating, praying, having a talk with God or just some quiet time for YOU. In business, we always feel that we're going to miss out on something but it's vital to our health that we get rest. I know we have to first take care of ourselves before we can provide a service or take care of others.

In being around so much positivity today, I took all of their advice. I came home, I prayed, I meditated and I now have my answer to where God is leading me. He has spoke some things over my life that I have to now just work at what he told me to do and trust in him knowing that he will provide for me and my family. The Lord told me that it's been far too long that I have trusted and depended on other people to help me and support me when he was the one that sent those people my way in the first place. It wasn't really them that helped, God told them to do so. Now, I will spend the rest of this year, getting my career in order to do what God has told me to do. It seems so weird because what he is now telling me to do, was ONE of the things I've wanted to do but it was never at the top of my "to do" list. It was something that I would do later on if I had the time to do so and if I never got around to it, it just wasn't going to get done because it was not my priority. I'm going to listen to God and do it his way, not my way.

My other inspiration, Leontyne Brown told me, "the best way to do something is to do it how God said do it or you would pay the cost, a cost that you really don't want to encounter." These Ladies invite me to their events and I'm always eager to attend because they always exhibit a true Christian walk and I appreciate them for that.

Now that I'm listening to God and he has spoken, I'm just gonna sit back (this ain't gon' be easy) and watch God work in my life but also do my part as he has advised me.

Thank you to all who continue to pray for me and support me.

This topic is for those striving to move forward in life, feeling a little confused, feeling like you want to give up and just all around overwhelmed. Before you make any decision, seek God's advice first. His advice is always the best advice.