Wednesday, February 27, 2013


When I speak, I speak from the heart. That's the only thing I know to do. I want to talk about Karma. According to, karma is defined as action seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. I'm going somewhere with this. For legal purposes I can't share any names but if you get it, you get it. :) More after the break.

A few weeks ago, I recieve a message from someone telling me that I don't have shit (this person's words) going for myself so I can't talk about this person. You're reading "Inside the Life of Makeva Harold" so let me tell you a fact or two or three about me. When I became an adult, I put away childish acts, meaning, I don't condone in negativity. Anyone that is associated with me or someone I call a friend, knows this. Therefore, this was some drama....something I can't stand. Later on, I'll get to why drama and I don't get alone but I'll save that for another topic. Of course this statement made me feel awkward BUT the sacrifices I take to run a business, are my own sacrfices. I don't ask for handouts if business gets slow, I make it do what it do and still end up on top. I always end up on top because I am a child of God and "No weapon against me shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17)

Being an Entrepreneur takes a lot of balls, faith, gut, determination, work or whatever you want to call it. The greatest of these, for me, is faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen." (Hebrews 11:1) I'm not afraid to give up living like others are living NOW to be able to live how I want to LATER. That's my sacrifice. I hold two degrees so if I ever want to go out and work for someone other than myself, I can do so. Plus, I have a clean criminal record so that won't hinder me either. I'm gonna skip around a little because if you've read any of my other blogs, you will know I type from the heart and I type what's on my mind.

I grew up having what I needed and what I wanted; thank you Lord for those blessings. Not a lot of people can say that. What I'm realizing is that when some people start to make a little money, they tend to forget when they had nothing and try to put other people down and belittle them. My friend told me the other day, "one shouldn't throw stones when they live in a glass house." It's true becuase some people can be very spiteful. I used to be a spiteful person. My flesh wants to take me back to that place OFTEN but I have to pray that spirit off my back; I mean serious prayer.

Okay, a month later, I get a very lengthy text message from this same person who said I don't have "shit" (this person's words) going for myself stating that they couldn't understand how someone with such a kind heart, hard worker and good ethics can't catch a break and be successful as I should be. This person stated that it's karma that I'm dealing with. I clearly understand the definition of karma and I also understand what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and I won't give up. I use this as an example all the time; Steve Jobs is one of my role models (God bless his soul) so I know a lot about him. He went through a few projects before he actually co-founded Apple and believe it or not, it took approximately 10 years. I don't mind a few failing projects because I learn from them and I move on. I don't complain about it, I take notes and keep moving.

Hold me to this, what God gives, he can take away so you will never see me bragging and boasting about my success and acting as though I'm better than others. That has never been me. Maybe it's because I didn't have a rough childhood but it's because of God and only God that I didn't.

What I want to share with you all (my readers) is that karma is real and I do believe in it. There are things I've done when I was younger (in my teens) that I'm not proud of but I reaped THAT what I sowed and it wasn't nice. I learned early and because I've learned, I want to share it with you. Anything you do; good or bad, it comes back to you. It may not come right back but it comes back so I said it earlier, I've put aways my childish acts. I have children that look up to me and expect more of me, need me for their support so I must remain on my best behavior. I want them to be able to say, "their mom is/was a hard worker and she didn't give up despite what anyone had to say. Not only did she work hard for herself, she didn't mind sharing her knowlege, stories and experience with others. She realized that there was enough money to go around so she wasn't selfish or stingy with anything."

This post comes from my heart. I want you to be mindful of your actions because they come back to you. Thanks for reading. Love and light :)