When you attend college, you know it's a four year term, well, at least for those who aren't playing around. You know that once you start college, without a shadow of doubt, you're gonna graduate because it generally takes four years right? You also don't expect to have drama, unresolvable issues (as it appears), complicated lengthy term/research papers, late night studying, early morning classes, broken hearts, back stabbers, scams & fraud, jacked up credit or any of that right? BUT you do know that if ONLY, if ONLY, if ONLY, you can get through all of that, you already know you're going to successfully complete those four years and graduate right? In saying that, you know and you don't know certain things but you do know that in four years, all of those things will be things of the past and you're now on to seeing better days right? Yeah, better days! *sigh* More after the break.