Have you ever wondered why you always have to deal with certain situations? Have you ever wondered why you come in contact with certain people? Have you ever wondered why? Why? Why?
Yeah I know, I know. I've been there and occasionally revisit those same questions. Whether you know it or not, there's a reason for every season. We have to realize that God is molding us for the wonderful things to come and we have to learn to appreciate the process to get there. Though it's hard, all things come together for the good of those that love the Lord. I'm preaching to the choir. Can the church say Amen?!
I always wish things were easier than they are; nonetheless, I also know that if it were easy, everyone and their mama would be doing it *in my ghetto voice* Honestly, I don't think everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship. Some people are made to work for others but me....ummm....I wasn't cut out for that type of work. No, I don't get a kick out of having people work for me so don't take that sentence and judge me as being arrogant because I'm not and I'm far from it. What I do get a kick out of is being able to provide opportunities for those in need, those that need jobs, those that need some type of assistance. That's what I like. I get a kick out of just....helping others.
I understand there's a reason for the season. Often times, we never understand what we're going through and the reason we're going through it. Really, it's not for us to understand. We must do our best to weather the storm and keep it moving. Trying to figure out the reason why would just keep us at a standstill.